Sunday, July 24, 2011

More Paris Plages: Bassin de la Villette

There are two locations of the Paris Plages.  Yesterday we spent time at the Seine location, and today I wandered over to the Bassin de la Villette to check out the other "beach".  The basin is part of the Paris canal network, and many pleasure boats are docked here.  This photo was taken from the Quai de la Seine (despite the name, this is not actually on the Seine River).

Today was a very pleasant day compared to recent weather, and Parisians were out in force soaking up the rays (sometimes while still wearing puffy coats and hats).

The blue flags on either side of the basin denote the "plage" areas.  This photo was taken from the Passerelle de la Moselle, a bridge that spans across the basin.

I crossed over the bridge to the Quai de la Loire.  Many of the activities/attractions opened at 1pm; I got there at 12:30pm so these paddleboats and lounge chairs were just waiting for the people to arrive:

While trying to snap a photo of the "Surf Sur Vague Artificielle" (Waverider Machine), I inadvertently caught this girl having lunch, Parisienne-style.  There were actually decent surfers riding the waves, but it was hard to get a photo from down below.

After chilling out for half an hour at a "beachside" cafe, the plage becomes a flurry of activity.  Finally, the kiddos get to ride the paddleboats!

Most of the activities were free, but I couldn't figure out if the sailboat rides were also free; there was only one captained boat, so probably not.

Between the sailboat, kiddie paddleboats, kayaks, and adult paddleboats, the whole basin was up and running by 1:30pm.  The large buildings looming in the background on either side of the canal are repurposed storehouses from the days when the canal's primary function was commerce.  They now contain a youth hostel, a Holiday Inn Express, and restaurants/cafes.

On the Quai de la Loire, the Sapeurs-Pompiers were demonstrating their ladder skills.

Meanwhile, back on the Quai de la Seine, foosballers were honing their skills at an open-air foosball arcade.

I have found a reason to return: this poster was displayed next to a dance floor.  Maybe I will be able to persuade Kevin to dance with me...but only if he wears his pinstriped zoot suit.

Walking towards the Stalingrad Metro, I passed the Rotonde de la Villette, a 1780's-era customs house that overlooks the basin. 

I was on my way to meet up with Kevin to watch the end of the Tour de France cycling race; more on that later.  I arrived at Pont Neuf, the bridge overlooking the Paris Plages site on the Seine.  If you are interested as to how they built the beaches, here is a video from the Paris Plage website:

Paris Plages vient d'ouvrir, on attend votre... par mairiedeparis

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