Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Picnic, Pokemon and Pub Crawl

We have just about one week left in Copenhagen.  Having already visited most of the local museums and attractions, we've been looking for alternative things to do.  The weather has been beautiful so today we picked up some smørrebrød and had a picnic in Kongens Have.  We learned that open-faced sandwiches actually aren't the easiest picnic food to eat.  Luckily we brought along some cutlery, and plenty of napkins.

In the park, every kid and their brother was glued to their cell phones & running around playing Pokemon Go.  Kevin gave it a whirl and managed to catch one in the park.  He later caught one in a church pew while we listened to an organ concert, and even one in our apartment.  We have no desire to "catch 'em all", but since it's been in the news so much (and we've seen so many people playing it) it was worth downloading for a little fun.

Speaking of fun, in the evening we signed on to do a walking tour/pub crawl.  There were about thirty people in our group, not bad for a Tuesday night.  Yes, we were the oldest ones there by a couple years, but it was cool to meet some other travelers and hear some tips (especially from those who've been to Sweden, where we're going next).  Plus, I can't believe we've been here nearly a month and only just now learned where to get the cheapest pints!


  1. Pub crawl. That would have been the first thing I did after getting off the plane. Culture and arts can wait.

    1. Yes we've definitely learned our lesson. Pubs first, museums and castles later!
