Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Eastern Iceland to Höfn

Our incredible luck with the weather ran out a little bit over the past two days.  From Seyðisfjörður to Djúpivogur we had strong winds and rainy fog. We mostly stayed indoors once we got to the hostel.  It was another working farm that has been farmed by the same family for more than 100 years.  They had a pretty little church near the guest rooms.

The next day the weather cleared a bit, but I ran into a little more bad luck.  You wouldn't know it, but this photo was taken about three seconds after a seagull pooped directly on my head.  I've never been so glad to be wearing a hat.  The video from yesterday has some footage of an arctic tern attacking me, too -- I guess I'm not making any friends among the birds here in Iceland.

The drive to Höfn along the Eastern coast is jaw-droppingly scenic.  All the beaches are black sand and have interesting lava formations.

Höfn is the gateway to the Vatnajökull glacier -- it's one of the largest ice caps in Europe.  There are something like 30 outlet glaciers (like this one) scouring down the mountain valleys to the lowlands below:

On another note, happy Summer Solstice everyone!  In this part of Iceland the sun doesn't even set until almost midnight.  This was taken around 9 or 10 at night.  Thank goodness for sleep masks and blackout curtains!


  1. Hopefully those birds will be sleeping or in Tierra del Fuego when we come visit in November.

  2. Perhaps Alfred Hitchcock's THE BIRDS has recently shown in Iceland.....
